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Why pride is a sin (as I see it… humbly)
In considering the seven deadly sins, one we didn’t touch on is pride. Somehow, it seems less serious than the other sins. After all, nobody ever died as a result of someone else’s pride. Nobody ever had food taken out of their mouths because of someone’s pride. As a result, it seems hard to include it in the same list of deadly sins, even with our more nuanced understanding. Ironically, I believe that pride is in fact one of the worst of the sins and one of the hardest to struggle against.
According the to Bible, Jesus was once asked which one of the commandments was the greatest of all. In typical fashion, Jesus outwitted his questioners and rather than picking one of the ten commandments, he pointed to his own. “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and all your soul” was the greatest commandment according to Jesus. That commandment, according to him, was followed only by what many call the golden rule: love your neighbor as yourself.
If we consider sin and morality in the way we have been discussing it here, Jesus’s commandments fit right in. With his first commandment, Jesus was telling us to strongly establish that connection with the almighty. He was telling us to open ourselves up to the connection to all other living beings.