Member-only story
Things only get worse for Trump from here
A skilled politician might be able to turn this situation to his advantage, as Bill Clinton did. Trump is not that politician.
I was hoping beyond hope that the Democrats might be able to take control of the Senate last week. That hope was probably unrealistic. As one commentator after another has pointed out, the seats that were up for re-election made the Democrats’ chances historically bad. In fact, it is amazing the Democrats did as well as they did in this Senate election. At one point, Republicans were imagining they might be able to get a veto-proof 60 vote majority in this election as the Democrats did in 2008. Obviously, that did not happen.
As of this writing, I still hold out hope that Bill Nelson will win in Florida and Kyrsten Sinema will win in Arizona. Arizona, in particular, is looking particularly promising. Either way, both races will likely face recounts since they are so close. If the Democrats can pull those two races out, the net gain for Republicans in the Senate would be only two seats, and in the off chance that there is a run-off in Mississippi, as seems possible, and another Alabama miracle happens, Mike Espy could be elected to the Senate, resulting in another Democratic pick-up. The only Senate seat Democrats took from the Republicans…